
Research Scientist, Center for Dementia Research
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Lee NYU Page
B.Sc. School of Art & Science, Inha University, Republic of Korea
M.M. School of Medicine, Inha University, Republic of Korea
Ph.D. Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Awards and Honors
2019 KSEA Northeast Reginal Conference Program Chair.
2010 Travel Fellowship (International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease.
2000-2004 European Union Ph.D. Fellowship Award.
1999 Korean Science & Engineering Foundation Research Fellowship Award.
1996 Inha University School of Medicine Research Assistant Fellowship Award.
Research Interest
I have a broad background in neuroscience, with specific training and expertise in cellular and molecular mechanism of neurodegenerative disorders, especially Alzheimer’s disease. As a research fellow at Nathan Kline Institute and department of psychiatry NYU Langone medical center, I have been extensively involved in analyses of autophagy and the pathology of the endosomal-lysosomal system changes in relation to neurodegeneration using in vivo Alzheimer’s disease (AD) animal models. As part of the Center for Dementia research team at Nathan Kline Institute, I am conducting studies at the cellular level to identify the early changes in neurons that lead to the onset and progression of AD. I have identified changes in one of the surveillance systems inside neurons, known as autophagy, that underlie the functional alterations in the brain of AD patients. The current goal of my research is to perform a complete molecular dissection of those changes with the idea of developing novel therapeutics that could slow down the progression of the disease or even prevent it. Consequently, my studies will have a significant impact on improving public health care for neurodegenerative diseases, particularly with regards to AD.
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