Dr. Sandeep Malampati Joins Dr. Ralph Nixon’s Lab
New York – Research Scientist Sandeep Malampati made his way to the Nixon Lab at the Center for Dementia Research at NKI via India and China. Sandeep earned his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy and a master’s degree in pharmacology from The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University in Chennai, India. He began his career in research at the drug discovery research wing of Orchid Pharma Ltd in India. Sandeep relocated to China to attend Hong Kong Baptist University where he would obtain his Ph.D. in Neuroscience – Translational Medicine by examining the efficacy of a small molecule TFEB activator in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) experimental models for the autophagic clearance of AD pathological proteins and for restoring the behavioral impairment observed in AD. Sandeep joined Dr. Ralph Nixon’s lab as a postdoctoral fellow in October 2020.