
Ginsberg Lab Makes the Case for Imaris Software

New York – Megan Gautier and Dr. Stephen Ginsberg of the CDR’s Ginsberg recently published their latest paper in the Journal of Neuroscience Methods. They describe a method for quantification of immunolabeled early endosomes within transmitter-identified basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCNs) using 3-dimensional (3D) reconstructed confocal z-stacks employing Imaris software. The article, titled “A method for quantification of vesicular compartments within cells using 3D reconstructed confocal z- stacks: Comparison of ImageJ and Imaris to count early endosomes within basal forebrain cholinergic neurons,” discusses superior image resolution and detailed algorithms offered by Imaris to make precise and rigorous quantification of individual early endosomes dispersed throughout a BFCN in 3D space readily achievable.