
Open Access Article by Subbanna and Balapal in Brain Sciences

Shivakumar Subbanna and Basavaraj Balapal from the CDR publish their latest work in the open access journal Brain Sciences. This research suggests that binge-like prenatal alcohol exposure during the sensitive stages of pregnancy in mice causes impairments in synaptic plasticity-associated proteins and bidirectional synaptic plasticity (LTP and LTD), leading to persistent FASD-like neurobehavioral abnormalities in mice. The article titled, “Binge-like Prenatal Ethanol Exposure Causes Impaired Cellular Differentiation in the Embryonic Forebrain and Synaptic and Behavioral Defects in Adult Mice,” appears in a planned special issue on “New Advances in Neurobiology and Behavioral Disturbance in Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD),”edited by Dr. Balapal.